
To set up electronic messaging with Seagate, please complete either the EDIFACT Information Form or ANSI X12 Information Form, depending on the standard to be used, and email it to [email protected]. Additional information on these standards may be found at the EDIFACT and ANSI X12 governing body web sites.

Please note that eBusiness set-up is supported in English only.

Supported Message Types

Electronic messages supported by Seagate are listed below. For EDIFACT, ANSI X12, CDM Vendor and EDI, click on a link to view the specification for formatting that message. For RosettaNet messages, please go to

Business Transaction Category EDIFACT-Message Type ANSI X12-Message Type RosettaNet-Message Type Sterling-Message Type

Purchase Order
Order Cycle Orders 850 PIP3A4 -----

Order Response
Order Cycle ORDRSP 855 PIP3A7 -----

Order Change
Order Cycle ORDCHG 860 PIP3A8 -----

Order Change Response
Order Cycle ORDRSP 865 PIP3A7 -----

Ship Notice (out)
Order Cycle DESADV 856 PIP3B2 -----

Order Cycle INVOIC 810 PIP3C3 -----

Distributor Sales Report
Channel Reporting SLSRPT 867 PIP4E1 -----

Distributor Inventory Report
Channel Reporting INVRPT 846 PIP4C1 -----

JIT Hub Ship Notice Manifest (in)
JIT Hub Reporting ----- ----- ----- Flat File

JIT Hub Ship Notice Manifest (out)
JIT Hub Reporting ----- ----- ----- Flat File

JIT Hub Receipt Advice
JIT Hub Reporting ----- ----- ----- Flat File

JIT Hub Inventory Report
JIT Hub Reporting ----- ----- ----- Flat File